Pinning problems

I’m a little out of the loop today, had a Fibromyalgia flare up so have been resting and dreaming of things to do soon and pincushions came to mind.

Having now been sewing again for just over 2 years I have accumulated a fair amount of pins, glass head pins, flower head pins, extra sharp pins, longer pins. You get the point! I have one pincushion and it is getting a bit difficult to find the right pins needed sometimes. I try to keep them in their own sections but as I am putting them back while sewing they get all mingled up again. So the time has come for another pincushion. Sure I could buy a new one but why waste an opportunity to make a new one and an excuse to sew. Not that I need much encouraging.




So my logic starts up, an owl pincushion. Yay owls are cute. So why would I want to stab one lots of times almost daily?

OK, how about a teapot one with the pincushion in the lid? also cool but that lid is going to end up a pain and won’t stay stable when I am in full speed ahead mode.

One of those cool sausage dog ones I have seen, didn’t Heather have one on the Great British Sewing Bee? ok, same thoughts with the owls crossed my mind.

The thoughts went on to cathedral window pin cushion to various shapes and then it hit me, it has to be a cactus, doesn’t it?  And having just ordered a crochet kit for cactus I think it will all look great together.

Amigurumi Cactus Garden (exclusive online tutorial only)

This can be ordered as a kit with all the bits you need and an online course to refer to or you can just have the online course which has 5 videos with the lovely no-nonsense Claire, who I discovered on YouTube and then Facebook.

I see a theme starting to build at least and being I have a black thumb these will be cacti I can’t kill no matter how many times I stab them. Well, that’s the theory anyway, we shall see soon enough
