Here we go

This is the post excerpt.

I have moved over from blogger.  So if you have followed me here hello.

One of the mistakes I have been making blogging wise was trying to post on just one subject and it has never really taken off as I am a whirlwind of many things that are all affected by mood.

Mostly I am in no particular order a

  1. Mum
  2. Nana
  3. Partner/Wife
  4. Crafter
  5. sewing addicted in many ways ( dressmaking, quilting, recycling etc)
  6. Baker
  7. Tarot Reader
  8. Medium
  9. Paranormal Investigator
  10. Photographer
  11. Book Reader

And probably a lot more than I can think of at this time.

My main aim will be to get my thoughts and ideas on lots of different things all in one place.  Somewhere I can keep a record or show off my makes. It may work or it may just confuse everyone as my mind tends to be rather random. But at the end of the day, this is for me, if anyone wants to follow along then great. If not then I am not going to be offended I am used to talking to myself  😉