How I love spending my weekends

Paranormal Investigations or Ghost hunts as some like to call them are something I really enjoy doing. Collecting and witnessing paranormal evidence is amazing. There are times often we debunk things like the rattling chains people were hearing which was me jingling my change in my pocket! You really have to keep a clear mind while sitting in dark old places.

Last night was a visit to Wymering Manor in Portsmouth. It is owned by the church and this is the church opposite. The Manor is mentioned in the doomsday book

I don’t have many photos to share as most of them has a person or two in them and I don’t have their permission to share their images. This is one side of the manor early in the evening.img_4370

And this is one of the upstairs rooms. The manor is in need of restoration but you can see how grand it must have been back in it’s heyday

After an 8pm till 4 am investigation I am a little wiped out because my body decided sleep was for wimps. So I have not even checked my audio recordings yet to see if we picked up any voices or noises not audible at the time of some of our times in a few rooms. Hopefully I can get around to that tomorrow evening.

Meanwhile I need to make some aprons for my granddaughters I promised them and make a peg  bag.  All exciting stuff here it seems. After a while without a washing line thanks to a pruning accident my son very kindly put one up today so line dried washing ftw 🙂

I really think an early nights sleep has won the battle of what to do so night all
